“A good programmer is a lazy programmer” è una frase nella quale ci piace identificarci, ma è davvero così? Spesso ci troviamo a ripetete le solite operazioni più e più volte, sprecando tempo e denaro. Il gioco in questo talk consiste nell’automatizzare il più possibile aiutati da macchine virtuali, strumenti di provisioning, build automation, deploy
Processing one billion database rows doesn’t need to kill your web server. Really, it doesn’t. Applying lazy evaluation ideas you can make your scripts handle as much data as there exists, never using more memory than one unit’s size (for example a database row). Using clever iterators, cursors and streams I’ll show you how you [...]
In this talk we will present a simple web application built with Zend Framework 2. We will show the new features of the framework, such as the new MVC layer, the Event Manager, the Dependency Injection and much more. The aim of this talk is how to start programming with the new architecture of ZF2. [...]
Composer is a new PHP dependency manager. It resolves and downloads the packages your project requires. In this session you will learn how to use Composer to easily manage the libraries and other packages you use. We will go through the basics of dependency management and then move on towards publishing your own packages, be [...]
Estimating costs in a software project is always difficult. In particular, within the realm of web applications, blindly relying on estimates can not only be difficult, but also detrimental to the success of a project itself (we’ll see why). Nevertheless, customers (be them small or big) expect to know development costs in advance. They just [...]
Learn about what the PHAR (PHP Archives) format is all about. A PHAR is conceptually similar to a Java JAR but made to fit PHP’s needs. Hear how to use it to distribute your product to clients, why open source projects have started offering their projects as a PHAR file, run your application directly from [...]
Object-oriented programming is becoming the standard of PHP code; however, just sticking a lot of functions into a class is not enough to change the programming paradigm. What happened in languages such as C++ and Java, being used mostly procedurally, is happening in the PHP world. During this talk we will discuss the pitfalls of [...]
This talk will bring you closer to the Symfony2 based Silex microframework, explain use cases, go into internals, such as the Pimple service container, and show you how to use it. After this talk you will know more about Symfony components, PHP 5.3 closures, functional testing, and get a taste of simplicity, minimalism and perfectionism [...]
Hai visto? Ho usato un db NoSql! Il layout? Tutto HTML5+CSS3! Il codice è una figata, ho anche usato un microframework! E tu, qual è l’ultimo lavoro fico che hai fatto? Giumla dici? Vabbe’… Durante questo mini workshop @cirpo e @_orso_ svilupperanno un’applicazione utilizzando quante più tecnologie “on the edge” possibili. La prossima volta potrete [...]
Using PHP in a continuous deployment environment poses a number of unique security challenges. This talk covers the application security tools and techniques Etsy has developed while running a worldwide marketplace at scale. Rather than standard topics like understanding and finding CSRF/XSS/SQLi vulnerabilities, this talk will primarily focus on new and interesting approaches to application [...]
Arguably the most underestimated feature of PHP, the Streams Layer allows easy access to any data source using standard file i/o functions. Want to seamlessly use Amazon S3 for your data layer? What about an easy caching layer? Yep, you can do that too.
As any software with a new version, Symfony2 boasts many features new to the framework. But what impact does this have when working on a project? During this session, you will learn about using Symfony2 from an actual project. How do the features impact your development flow? How easy is it to integrate libraries such [...]