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A quick start on Zend Framework 2

In this talk we will present a simple web application built with Zend Framework 2. We will show the new features of the framework, such as the new MVC layer, the Event Manager, the Dependency Injection and much more. The aim of this talk is how to start programming with the new architecture of ZF2. [...]

Silex – The Symfony2 microframework

This talk will bring you closer to the Symfony2 based Silex microframework, explain use cases, go into internals, such as the Pimple service container, and show you how to use it. After this talk you will know more about Symfony components, PHP 5.3 closures, functional testing, and get a taste of simplicity, minimalism and perfectionism [...]

A Practical Look At Symfony2

As any software with a new version, Symfony2 boasts many features new to the framework. But what impact does this have when working on a project? During this session, you will learn about using Symfony2 from an actual project. How do the features impact your development flow? How easy is it to integrate libraries such [...]

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