CFP closes tomorrow!
We had lots of fun last year and we are working hard to make sure we will have even more this year! And for those who have enjoyed it, loads of Spritz cocktails too!
We have already received a lot of talk proposals for the phpDay and the jsDay, we want more!.
CFPs for jsDay and phpDay and will end TOMORROW on Feb 28th, so hurry up and don’t miss the chance to be part of it!
Please remember that the phpDay and jsDay are international conferences, so session proposals in English are highly preferred.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite, get one at the discounted early bird price until they last!
Microsoft is the new Diamond sponsor for the jsDay and with its Azure service is the new gold phpDay sponsor.
Other sponsors joined both conferences:
Pusher and Kendo UI are the new silver and gold jsDay sponsors, while Orchestra from Engineyard is the new phpDay silver sponsor.
Kendo UI, our new jsDay gold sponsor, has kindly offered 50 free licences that will be given as prizes to jsDay attendees: the first 25 licenses will be drawn among people buying the early bird jsDay tickets or early bird full conference, other 25 among everyone who will buy the jsDay or full conference tickets.
This means that if you buy in early bird you have twice the possibilities to win!
One individual is eligible to win only one license ;-)
Ideato, jsDay and phpDay Gold sponsor, is happy to invite you to the first Symfony CMF Hacknight with free beers, taking place in Verona, the day before the phpDay 2012.
Those attending the CMF hacknight will be granted a 15% discount for phpDay 2012!
To get more info or reserve your seat at the hacknight visit
Expect great news next month, with the final schedule and other big surprises.
Don’t forget to tell your friends and spread the word via twitter (@jsconfit and @phpday) and facebook!